How To Deal With Constant Failures

We, as a human being, value what's right and we are conditioned to succeed every time we do any task, whether it is fulfilling work tasks or getting that sculpture you worked so hard for already a couple of months now—maybe it's the simplest job of cooking a dish you've recently learned.

But no matter how precise, punctual or hardworking we are, chances are—we encounter mistakes. You overlooked the exact information for your presentation, you can get what facial expression you wanted for your drawing or just can't hit that sweet spot in that dish you're cooking. Remember, mistakes are inevitable and sometimes, unavoidable. Your morale gets to an all-time low and you're on the verge of questioning yourself if you can really do the job right.

Luckily, there are ways on how to deal with your repeated mistakes and failures without hurting yourself physically, mentally and being emotionally dependent on dangerous substances. Read on, and maybe after this, you'll realize that this article is just what you really needed to kickstart that passion inside your mind again and continue whatever you are doing.

Take a break. —As simple as it is, taking a break from what you are doing for a while can reset your focus and enthusiasm by a large mile. Committing a mistake is already a stressful experience and can distort your expectations and your sense of judgment due to frustrations. Take a break, maybe an hour or two, or for harder projects, a day is enough to refresh your mind and you'll come back with fresh eyes and clear perspective, and better problem-solving abilities to be able to succeed at what you do.

Do something else. —You did take a break and everything, but the fiery passion in continuing what you are doing isn't flaming up again: you're basically drained and might be suffering a state of emptiness towards the task that you cannot perform well. I suggest taking a break, but not really taking a break. Your break is doing something you love, like your favorite sport or playing your favorite game or just chilling around reading a book, spending time with families and friends and even your pets. Doing alternative things to fuel up your desire to finish a task is effective enough to get you inspired and get that tool or pen or dancing shoes again in order to take another spar at the difficulties you are facing. But now, you are much more stronger, inspired and motivated as ever.

Ask for a helping hand. —No man is an island. It's true for many, many ways. Sometimes, when a roadblock hinders your way into success for example, in finishing that book or getting your landscaping art done, you need to reach your hand and realize that you have your family members, friends or in rare occasion, colleagues to help you get the job done. Maybe it's just you carrying all the weight onto yourself, trying to prove to everyone that you float on your own, when you need someone to help you to stay floating. And success isn't reduced when you collaborate with someone, it always turns the frustration into a challenging, fun time when there's someone who's got your back.

Talk to strangers —That doesn't mean that you'll quickly approach some guy eating peacefully in a bench in a park, in a neighborhood you aren't familiar too. It's means asking for advice online. Forum sites such as Reddit or Quora can help you in a ton of ways in your unsolved dilemma. Most of the time, these people in this sites loves to help everyone and you'll be surprised at how many of them are willing to help you in whatever problems you may encounter. And they're not just a bunch of people saying a bunch of opinions: most of the time, especially at Quora, experts will be glad to help you in the most niche of problems that you can think of. Consult or visit support groups that matches your interest.

Talk to yourself —But sometimes, no matter how many people helped us or offered company, the will to try again is still nowhere to be found. Yes, you are grateful that they're helping you, but who else can knows you other than yourself? Sometimes, we strive for unrealistic amounts of success and perfectionism in our craft that we forget about the fact that there are no such thing as perfect and no matter how different people interprets being perfect, we can't shy from the fact that failures are a vital part of the human experience. Mistakes are made so that we can improve ourselves and we can finally hurdle from that because we learn how to deal with it. Maybe that's all you need to keep the creative steamroll going, after all.

Remember, failures can be minimized when working with something or deciding on tough choices, but it's there to remind us that there are no obstacles we cannot survive. By the power of rest, other people and your very own self, mistakes aren't preventable, but you can learn how to keep moving forward and finish the job no matter how hard the problems come at you.